The inspiration for this fashion design was a study project, together with Julia Freyer and Julia Brandl, "Vienna Empathy Spaces" .
To be more mindful of mental health, a series of poems and audio tracks were created that were connected to personal stories and places in Vienna.
Based on this, I created a fashion design, which at first glance presents the outwardly elegant view, which is presented to the public and which image is surgerized in social media and magazine.
Subsequently, this outfit was transformed. This highlights the inner view of a fragile, shy being.
A place is full of history,
full of stories,
full of feelings.
A place that may seem beautiful
turns out to be a nightmare.
For one person it is heaven,
for another it is hell.
Locations evoke memories,
provoke fears.
There is a place I avoid.
Under consciously.
But once I realized how long I haven't been here,
doubts arise.
This is a place
full of atmosphere,
a place
where people chat and study, by day
and get drunk near the church, by night.
But there is something
that no one recognizes
in this space.
A place
with a pond in the middle
once I was splashed by some guys.
My underwear shone through.
I remember
the night two years ago.
I was standing in front of the concert hall.
Waiting for you
at this place.
I felt humiliating looks of the guests,
dressed in chic designer clothes.
I wore a no-name shirt and jeans.
The outsider in the crowd
who was standing out.
Left alone without a message.
In the past, we had it,
had this space.
But in the present
I hate and miss:
you and this place.
-To all lost souls.
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