Am I Gaboniuntum? is a conversation between an Artificial Gaboniontum and a human. An AI-developed conversation that comes with potential suggestions on what life for the Gabonionta could have been like.
Questioning whether we can rid ourselves of modern preconceptions and gain an understanding for Proterozoic Life?
Am I Gaboniuntum? invites the visitor to have a conversation with early life. Using a joystick and simple questions, a conversation is initiated, where the visitor chooses the theme of the conversation, and in this way gain insight into Gabonionta's life. We want the viewer to leave with curiosity and spark their creativity when it comes to thinking about early life.
Am I Gaboniuntum? desires to make the Gabonionta come alive for the visitor, with the descriptive conversation and supported by AI-generated visuals.
with Johannes-Felix Lotze, Florian Sapp, Emilie Matsen
Exhibited at Angewandte Festival 2022, NHM Vienna
AI generated pictures
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