reis und rüben

reis und rüben is an attempt of what communal cooking and eating might look like in Austria in the future. 

Climate change, resource scarcity and the breakdown of supply chains will affect the availability of certain foods. So, we’ve created an altered version of the traditional Austrian dish „Goulash with spaetzle“ with rice and beetroots as main ingredients. 

The food which is prepared in this setting is not only sustenance, but also a connector for communities. Societies will continue to meet in the future to dine together. 
The meal is the occasion of a cultural gathering, social exchange.

The aim is not to scare but rather to evoke a sense of hope for the future with new habits and traditions to appreciate what he have.


University of Applied Arts Vienna 

Design Investigations


Project with Paula Schwager, Eszter Hanko and Julia Freyer

The tools that are used for cooking are made out of existing items and materials to show a more mindful handling of resources. Even the seat cushions were sewn together from old cloths used for peeling and cleaning beet during former cooking ceremonies. 

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